
Bilingual programs at Hooray

To expose young learners to a new language they can become proficient in and use later in life, Hooray bilingual programs apply immersion English in intellectual, physical, and arts classes, while social and emotional learning hours are taught in Vietnamese.

Dual English programs

Content-based instruction in English

Our English-speaking teachers conduct activities in English immersion (content-based instruction) throughout the morning or afternoon every school day. This English program is used in S.T.E.A.M. lessons and also mostly during lunch or play time.

Conversational English (English as Second language)

During our ESL class, young students learn how to listen to and understand English, as well as develop speaking skills in the language. They are also engaged in a series of activities and exercises that help them practice and use English more naturally.

EQ Development instructed in Vietnamese

Social Emotional Learning - HAPPY HEARTS

Happy Heart is taught with the goal of helping children perceive and control their emotions in steps from basic to advanced, from which they learn how to handle social communication problems in a positive and appropriate way.

Practical skill lessons - HAPPY HANDS

Happy Hands is a practical life skills learning session where our children learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way. We aim to equip the kids with basic skills to achieve independence in their day-to-day lives.

Practical skills trained in Happy Hands sessions:

  • School Skills
  • Self-care
  • Manner
  • Safety
  • Environment